Oct. 15, 2021

Dear Wartburg Community,


I am Mark Hanawalt, chair of the Presidential Search Committee. While I am not an alumnus, I have always had a special place in my heart for Wartburg College, and I am honored to chair the committee that will identify a select group of talented and highly qualified individuals who will vie to be the college’s 18th president.


Our 14-person committee includes nine members of the Board of Regents (including the Board of Regents chair, who will serve as an ex-officio member), three members of the faculty, a staff member, and a student. Among our ranks are educators; diversity, equity, and inclusion advocates; business owners; and a reverend. You can find a full list of search committee members here. Though our backgrounds are varied, our commitment to the mission and vision of Wartburg College is a constant. We are committed to an open and inclusive search process that will allow ample opportunities for stakeholder input. We are being assisted by WittKieffer, a global executive search firm. You can submit nominations, inquiries, or applications to the WittKiefer consultants at wartburgpresident@wittkieffer.com.


Please continue to visit our presidential search website for the latest updates.



Mark Hanawalt

Vice Chair, Wartburg College Board of Regents

Chair, Wartburg College Presidential Search Committee


Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd., Waverly, IA 50677  |  800-772-2085


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