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Presidential search update

Feb. 15, 2022

Dear Wartburg Community,


We are now in the home stretch of our presidential search. The next search update you receive will be from Board Chair Mike McCoy announcing the 18th president of Wartburg College.


The finalists selected by the search committee are a strong group who are well suited to lead Wartburg into the future. WittKieffer is to be commended for providing us with the pool of candidates to reach this point.


We have been blessed to have gathered a search committee that is completely focused on what is best for the Wartburg of the future. With wonderful input, discussion, and collaboration, we always end at a consensus of best outcomes. I could not be prouder to have worked with this group of people in moving through this process. The Wartburg community should thank the members of this committee for their dedication to this process.



If you have any questions about the search process, please visit our website at



Mark Hanawalt

Vice Chair, Wartburg College Board of Regents

Chair, Wartburg College Presidential Search Committee


Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd., Waverly, IA 50677  |  800-772-2085


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